a woman and a man talking

Deutscher Sparkassenverlag

Modern platform creates seamless internal and external communications for employees and customers

  • Paese: Germania
  • Settore: Finanza e assicurazioni
  • Soluzione: Soluzioni e dispositivi connessi, Unified Communication

Deutscher Sparkassenverlag (DSV) provides the savings banks, associations and companies of the DSV financial group with media content, electronic forms, consulting systems, technical equipment and bank cards. It also delivers IT services, payment transaction solutions, Internet offerings and agency services. In order to support internal and external cooperation in these diverse tasks, DSV decided to implement a future-proof communication platform.

Deutscher Sparkassenverlag customer logo
Thanks to the smooth cooperation with our partners ALE and COM plan + service, we were able to achieve our project goals on schedule. The easy handling of the communication solution makes it easier for our employees to exchange information with customers and colleagues.
Jörg Fietze, ICT Administration, Deutscher Sparkassenverlag

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