Customer reference 1200x299

Sportzentrum Kerenzerberg

A modern LAN, area-wide WLAN, and smart network management connect guests and staff efficiently.

  • Paese: Svizzera
  • Settore: Settore alberghiero
  • Soluzione: WiFi Solutions

Located in the canton of Glarus, Sportzentrum Kerenzerberg is one of the largest sports centers in Switzerland for amateur as well as professional sports. Every year, the center, which also includes a hotel, restaurant, and sports medicine facility, hosts the participants of 400 courses, requiring a total of 30,000 overnight stays. Recently, the center was expanded with the addition of a new building, in which a comprehensive building automation system ensures the intelligent connection of all technical components.

“We are very satisfied with our new network solution, which is running stably after a smooth roll-out. Thanks to the remote network management and competent support, we don't need any on-site IT staff to operate it.”
Marco Bücken, Deputy Operations Manager, Sportzentrum Kerenzerberg

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