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Winn Hotel Group

Winn Hotel Group’s centralized solution delivers 4 times more bandwidth, connecting guests with hotel services and improving the connected guest experience.

  • Paese: Svezia
  • Settore: Settore alberghiero
  • Soluzione: Soluzioni e dispositivi connessi, Autonomous Network

The Winn Hotel Group owns and operates 13 hotels in Sweden. The group co-operates with established hotel chains to offer its guests access to well known-brands. With the new centralized solution guests connect with hotel services simply and effectively while enjoying a quality guest experience with free Wi-Fi.

Winn Hotel Group logo
If I were to describe Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise with a few words, I would probably say solution-orientated, efficient and easy to work with.
Anders Junger, Chief Executive Officer, Winn Hotel Group

Winn Hotel Group Customer Video

Le Sfide


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