Government 2025 : Reimagining Public Services After COVID-19

a man with glasses
1월 21, 2022

应对大流行加剧的挑战和业务效率压力, governments turn to digital technologies such as AI, iot, and edge computing

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governments worldwide face significant changes triggered by COVID-19, shifting political landscapes, and international attempts at hacking and information manipulation. 应对大流行加剧的转型挑战和业务效率压力, governments are investing in digital technologies such as AI, iot, and edge computing.

技术创新已成为政府在规划和监测关键COVID恢复计划成果方面做出明智决策的必要条件, 提供数字服务,让公民和企业看不见官僚机构, and to transform the experience for civil servants.

according to idc, by 2024, 30% of agencies will invest in intelligent and prescriptive intelligent digital workspaces supported by digital-led operating models ; also, by 2025, 30% of cities will leverage automation via iot, AI, 而数字孪生则将物理与数字相融合,完善了远程管理 critical infrastructure and digital services.

政府的创新之旅必须从重新构想公共服务的可能性艺术开始,以及如何通过技术赋予一线公务员权力,以提供更及时的服务, efficient services that make an impact on communities every day.

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Let's look at agents in public safety operation control rooms. With technologies such as artificial intelligence, iot, edge computing, mobile and byod, and video cameras, their daily routines will be very different five years from now. 一旦事件发生,部署在物联网边缘的高级视频分析将触发警报. This will automatically send an emergency notification. 安装在巡逻人员移动设备上的增强现实应用程序和协作工具将协调不同的急救人员. Digital evidence collected by body-worn cameras, drones, 实时整合的社交媒体信息流将被自动标记和存档,调查人员可以很容易地进行搜索.

defense logistics engineers are transitioning toward preventive activities. 嵌入军事装备中的物联网传感器将有助于监测磨损情况. 机器学习算法将优先处理维护工作,并通过api将其发送到资产跟踪和管理解决方案,以自动向3d打印备件发出工作订单. 在几个小时内,维修专家将在安全人员的支持下进行维修, remote, 协作工作能力,确保所有的组装和测试都正确完成. 设备的运行效率将大大提高,闲置的机会成本将降至最低.

The same technologies that can innovate policing and defense operations 会改变公民和企业日常消费的公共服务吗. 市政社会服务个案管理人员将拥有丰富的远程工作能力,使他们能够与他们所照顾的家庭建立虚拟联系,并向特定领域的专家同事咨询, such as children with neuro-diverse ability, 在高质量视频的支持下进行联合病例评估. 然后,他们将在一个共享的工作空间中共同设计个性化的治疗和服务计划. 家庭将能够安全地访问和审查计划,并确保任何更新都记录在安全的区块链中.


Exploring the art of the possible of what AI, edge, iot, video, blockchain, chatbots, 其他新兴技术可以为公务员和公民释放政府的未来,这只是旅程的开始. 实现这一愿景的好处的必要条件包括三个基本支柱:

•ensuring high-capacity, resilient communication infrastructure 通过固定线路和无线连接的混合扩展,确保从物联网边缘到核心数据中心和云的可靠和弹性连接.

•expanding collaboration across government departments and agencies with seamless remote access to workspaces, video collaboration, 以及使政府能够创新服务提供方式的工作实践.

•deploying cybersecurity tools and policies 这可以保护传输中的数据和静态数据免受外部攻击,并降低导致数据泄漏和丢失的人为错误的风险.

政府IT领导者以长远的眼光推动这些投资,将使他们的机构能够抓住COVID恢复为他们提供的千载难逢的机会,提高生产力,使公民和企业看不到官僚主义. 落后者将提供低效的服务,浪费纳税人的钱.

a man with glasses

Massimiliano Claps

Research Director, IDC European Government Insights

客座博客Massimiliano (Max) Claps是欧洲IDC政府洞察团队的研究主管. 他的研究使技术供应商和公共部门专业人员能够接受人工智能等颠覆性技术, edge computing, and cloud, 实现智慧城市和以民为本的政府服务等战略举措的效益. He is also IDC Europe’s lead analyst for passenger transportation, 为整个交通生态系统的利益相关者提供建议,如移动即服务和智能交通管理.

Max Claps has almost 20 years of public sector experience. After starting his career as a management consultant, he joined IDC in 2002 as the lead analyst for the government, healthcare, and education industries in Europe. 之后,他在Gartner和IDC担任过各种分析师和管理职位. 在这些职位上,他为全球公共部门的技术供应商和专业人士提供建议. Max在SAP工作了两年,担任SAP未来城市项目的全球负责人.




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