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Läkarhuset Odenplan found it advantageous to work with a unique supplier for their end-to-end solution, from purchase to support.

  • 국가: 스웨덴
  • 산업: 헬스케어
  • 해결책: 연결된 솔루션 및 서비스

Läkarhuset Odenplan is located in Stockholm and is the largest private healthcare facility in Sweden. The 14-floor center is home to about 20 clinics and medical practices (family medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, gynecology, physiotherapy, etc.), including a medical lab and x-ray facilities. 250 people work in the clinics and manage the 250,000 patient visits each year.

The property owner screened the market and found that only Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise could offer the right solution for them. Läkarhuset Odenplan liked that the OpenTouch Notification Service made use of fixed telephones, DECT-telephones and smartphones to alert each floor and clinic effectively. 
As well as being cost effective, the solution met all of Läkarhuset Odenplan’s needs and was simple to configure.
The solution integrated seamlessly with the healthcare center’s existing Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise telephony solution and fire alarm system, avoiding the need for re-cabling. 

Thanks to the new notification solution, we are now in line with local government fire safety recommendations. Going forward we want to build on the success of this first stage, perhaps by adding floorplan geolocation or other alarms, such as man down or intrusion, in the notification scenario. We also have other facilities in the city where we may implement the solution.There are many possibilities open to us.
Ingvar Wiklander, Telecom Manager, Läkarhuset Odenplan

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