a large room with a large group of metal lockers

Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB)

Smart infrastructure supports remote control of dynamic lockers at railway stations.

  • 국가: 스위스
  • 산업: 운송
  • 해결책: 가혹한 환경 조건

Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB), the Swiss federal railways, have been operating rail services in Switzerland for 120 years. Today, SBB transports more than 840,000 passengers and 185,000 tonnes of goods safely to their destinations every day. As a modern, innovative transport company and important player in the Swiss market, SBB is actively working to shape the mobility of the future.

Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB) customer logo
With the smart ALE infrastructure, we can see what is going on in real time at any moment and intervene immediately if necessary. This makes our locker service more efficient and more customer-friendly.
Catherine Schweizer, Product Manager, SBB

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