
E-rate solutions

Make Category 2 dollars go farther. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise technology helps you bridge the digital divide for 21st century teaching and learning.

We were facing real challenges with an outdated network and an antiquated phone system. We were therefore extremely fortunate to partner with ALE to develop both short and long-term goals which addressed all of our challenges.
Mike Anderson, Director of Technology, Rockville Centre School District

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a man and a woman looking at a laptop

랜섬웨어 시대 캠퍼스 사이버 보안에 맞서다

캠퍼스 사이버 보안 위협을 줄이기 위한 전략을 사용하면 악의적인 사용자 액세스를 제한하고 노출을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 

Laying the groundwork for tomorrow's digital schools

This guide provides information on key network attributes required for Primary and Secondary Schools.
