Blog 1200x299

Tracy Dupree

Tracy Duprée is the Ambassador of Customer Happiness at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in North America.

Tracy Dupree

Tracy Dupree

Ambassador of Customer Happiness, ALE, North America

Tracy Duprée is the Ambassador of Customer Happiness at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in North America. Her passion lies in storytelling, social media and assuring all are having a good time and experience along their journey of life.

Posts from the Author

Blog 1200x299

Are you an ALE customer? Gartner wants to hear from you!

Gartner is looking for your input for their Peer Insights Reviews. Take the brief survey and Gartner will provide access to their documents just to say thanks!

Blog 1200x299

Has remote working become YOUR new normal?

As the pandemic circled the globe it quickly became evident that organizations needed to react rapidly to enable their teams to begin working remotely.

Blog 1200x299

Keeping customers moving forward is job one at ALE

A business continuity strategy, together with expert and professional support keeps ALE customers up and running in the time of crisis.
